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Fashion Customization Brand Model Analysis in China

Liu Lixian
Zhejiang science and technology university, China

Abstract—Based on brand model classification and analysis. Customization fashion brands in china can be divided into three different types. After analyzing operation model, business model, profitability model, and service model. We can find that these three customization fashion brands are greatly different in target customer, service method, wearing occasion, and so on. As a customer centric fashion format, fashion customization brand type can be summarized as follows. First one, high-end customization fashion brand; second one, customization product line or sub-brand accompany with brand upgrading; third one, mass customization fashion brand. The research will be helpful to brand repositioning and other specific problem solving.

Index Terms—customization; brand model; classification; position; core dimension, customer centric

Cite: Liu Lixian, "Fashion Customization Brand Model Analysis in China," Journal of Advanced  Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 214-216, June 2013. doi: 10.12720/joams.1.2.214-216
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