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Analysis of Mobile Spectrum Management in Thailand to Move Towards a Knowledge Based Economy: A Regulatory Review

Settapong Malisuwan 1, Orada Teppayayon 2, Navneet Madan 2, Jesada Sivaraks 2, and Wassana Kaewphanuekrungsi 2
1. National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Bangkok, Thailand
2. National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Thailand

Abstract—The objective of this study is to analyze and determine the challenges on transition from 3G to 4G while incorporating the lesson learnt from the 3G auction. This paper provides a brief picture of the Thai telecommunications industry in terms of the extent of liberalization it has undergone. Qualitative case study method is adopted where a variety of credible secondary sources are applied in this research focusing on evidence-based approach. The qualitative research provides an overview of Thai mobile market and a brief account of its development. This paper further discusses the current changes brought about by the 2.1GHz 3G auction on the traditional concessionaire regime. It is followed by discussion on spectrum management challenges in the current Thai regulatory regime. In doing so, the pros and cons of some key regulatory issues are discussed and analyzed by taking into account both national and global viewpoints.

Index Terms—spectrum management, concessionaire regime, licensing regime, telecommunication regulation

Cite: Settapong Malisuwan, Orada Teppayayon, Navneet Madan, Jesada Sivaraks, and Wassana Kaewphanuekrungsi, "Analysis of Mobile Spectrum Management in Thailand to Move Towards a Knowledge Based Economy: A Regulatory Review," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 288-298, September 2013. doi: 10.12720/joams.1.3.288-298
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