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Managing and Controlling Airport Construction Projects: A Strategic Management Framework for Operators

Nasser Alnasseri, Allan Osborne, and Glenn Steel
University of Northumbria/Engineering and Environment, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

Abstract—Challenges and difficulties of managing construction project increases when the context is related to an airport environment. Consequently, there is a need for holding bodies of airports to change their procedures and practices in order to accommodate the unique and complex construction environment. Within an airport environment, different strategies play a significant role in achieving organizational success through an effective and efficient delivery of various construction projects. Those strategies are influenced by project management strategies and human-related competencies. This is, in turn, requires strategic competence and ability at both functional and operational levels. Several researchers have shown a growing interest in operating strategies and human-related studies within the construction industry; however, an integrated study of these two factors has been lacking, particularly in an airport context. This paper reports the initial work of a research project which seeks to integrate the theories associated with project and human resource strategies within the construction industry. Its aim is to develop a theoretical framework for airport operators to implement in order to cope with an airport environment and enhance business operations when managing and controlling construction projects.

Index Terms—construction industry, airport construction, project management strategy, human resource strategic management.

Cite: Nasser Alnasseri, Allan Osborne, and Glenn Steel, "Managing and Controlling Airport Construction Projects: A Strategic Management Framework for Operators," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 317-320, September 2013. doi: 10.12720/joams.1.3.317-320
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