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Training to Manage Risk: Focusing on the Essential

Kassim M. Mohammed
College of Business Administration, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia

Abstract—Despite the acceleration of intervention in advanced technologies, the human element is still considered as a cornerstone to efficient running and provision of business in organizations. It is this role, with the concept of human awareness, which is fundamental to the risk management process. Risk, as itis usually referred to, is an awareness-related issue, and depends, extremely, on those who deal with it and are responsible for controlling its adverse impact. Indeed, risk awareness is extensively responsible for the ways in which people interpret and systematize potential risks, and thus, the way they deal with these risks. Therefore, for an effective risk management system to be realized, organizations need to build and set up appropriate programs that help employees improve their management skills in dealing with potential risks. One way this can be done is through training. However, the main challenge of implementing effective training is to decide where and what training should actually focus on. This paper examines the role of training in improving risk management among employees. The focal point of the paper is to tackle where training should be allocated for the effective controlling of risk. The paper suggests that training is likely to be most effective in terms of managing risk if it, initially, targets the awareness of employees towards risk rather than focus on technical procedures of dealing with risk.
Index Terms—training, risk management, awareness of risk

Cite: Kassim M. Mohammed, "Training to Manage Risk: Focusing on the Essential, "Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-6, March 2014. doi: 10.12720/joams.2.1.1-6
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