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Transfer of knowledge in Multinational Corporations (MNC’s) on International Projects

Frederico S. Nunes 1 and Carmina S. Simion 2
1. Business Consultant, Leiria, Portugal
2. Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração, Leiria, Portugal

Abstract—Based on authors experience in management and implementation of infrastructure projects for multinational corporations (MNC’s) on international projects in Europe and Africa, this paper identifies main constrains in transfer of knowledge inside MNC’s. In MNC’s very often is necessary transfer of knowledge from parent company to subsidiary company or branches, since is an important source of competitive advantage compared with their domestic counterparts. Therefore this transfer of knowledge isn’t always successful and linear, due several constrains. Since only in later stage of growth at the foreign market, subsidiaries may cumulate enough knowledge, to manage the projects with confidence, aim of MNC’s are sustain free flow of knowledge inside the corporations towards less knowledgeable and experienced subsidiaries in foreign markets, enhancing possibility of growth and diversification. In this paper we identify common bottlenecks which are important to analyze and point out possible solutions which can mitigate them. In the knowledge transfer process we can identify main constrains, which are more important to analyze on this process: mechanisms, human capital, competition for resources inside MNC’s, ethics and cultural barriers.

Index Terms—transfer knowledge, multinational corporation, parent company, international project, ethics, cultural barrier, market competition, strategic management, competitive advantage, international business

Cite: Frederico S. Nunes and Carmina S. Simion, "Transfer of knowledge in Multinational Corporations (MNC’s) on International Projects," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 228-231, September 2014. doi: 10.12720/joams.2.3.228-231
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