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Redesigning Carroll’s CSR Pyramid Model

Nisar Ahamad Nalband and Saad Al Kelabi
King Saud University, Dept. of Management, College of Business Administration Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Abstract—Change changes the change if you don’t adopt change. Since the conception of CSR the amount of research carried on by the academicians is tremendous and laudable.
The academic research has undoubtedly contributed in terms of importance of CSR and practices of CSR to the corporate world. In the present research paper an attempt is made to propose a new model on CSR, i.e.; Universal Model of CSR. The proposed model has portrayed itself in such way that it easily cross over the criticism made on Carroll’s Pyramid model of CSR by justifying its model suiting to the present context.

Index Terms—CSR, Carroll, Pyramid, Model, Universal, Nisar, Saad

Cite: Nisar Ahamad Nalband and Saad Al Kelabi, "Redesigning Carroll’s CSR Pyramid Model," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 236-239, September 2014. doi: 10.12720/joams.2.3.236-239
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