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TRIPS and Its Implications on Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: A Firm Wise Analysis of North West India

Ravi Kiran
School of Behavioral Sciences and Business Studies, Thapar University, Patiala, India

Abstract—In recent years, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has been witnessing tremendous growth. Not only did the industry improve its performance in the last few decades, the industry has turned into a rising phase and has left its footprints in the pharmaceutical market all over the world. The objective of the present study is to examine the relation between firm size and technology management factors. The study also examines the status of patents, trademark, Copyrights, etc. On this basis the performance indicators are analysed. The study has been taken for 152 pharmaceutical firms selected from North-West region of India. Mean and ANOVA have been used to analyses the results of study. The results indicate a focus on cultural factors to induce firms to adopt IPR conducive culture, reliance on Govt. assistance is still high. Size of firm and cultural factors emerge as important predictors of sales.

Index Terms—IPR, technological adoption, product and process innovation, SWOT

Cite: Ravi Kiran, "TRIPS and Its Implications on Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: A Firm Wise Analysis of North West India," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 86-91, March 2016. doi: 10.12720/joams.4.2.86-91
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