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The Evaluation of Beysehir Lake National Park (Konya-Turkey) in the Framework Ecotourism

Mete Sezgin and Murat Gumus >
Selcuk University Tourism Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Abstract—These instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing camera-ready papers for ETP’s journals. International Ecotourism Community defines Ecotourism as a travel and tourism type in which the community protects the environment, monitors the welfare of local people, and has sensation to natural areas. According to the International Nature Protection Union Ecotourism expresses ecotourism as supporting protection of nature and cultural resources, having less visitor effect and gains social favor and trips that won’t damage natural areas. In Beysehir Lake National Park it is important to enable the development and protection of the main resource values, the evaluation, planning and improvement of sustainable tourism opportunities and eco turism which will contribute to the sustainability of socio-cultural values and the economic development of local people in the protected area. Beysehir Lake National Park is te most biggest national Park of Turkey near Beysehir Lake. There are 40 national parks which have 897 thousand 657 hectare area under the protection of The Directorate of National Parks and Nature Protection. The largest one of these parks is Beysehir Lake National Park. Beysehir Lake, which is shown as the most biggest fresh water resource of Turkey has two national parks called Beysehir and Kızıldag and also Beysehir Lake is shown as one of the most natural tourist attraction in Turkey. The Purpose of this study is to present the tourism activities, tourism effects-tourism profile, benefits and the market opportunities which draw attention to Beysehir Lake National Park. This study is done with the benefit of “The 8 th regional directorate of Forestry and Water, Konya Branch Office, Beysehir Lake National park Sustainable Tourism/ Ecotourism Plan inventory Study” which was previously carried out.

Index Terms—Eco-tourism, sustainable tourism, national park, Konya region

Cite: Mete Sezgin and Murat Gumus, "The Evaluation of Beysehir Lake National Park (Konya-Turkey) in the Framework Ecotourism," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 342-346, July 2016. doi: 10.12720/joams.4.4.342-346
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