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Factors Influencing Innovative Inventory Pooling System (IIPS) Adoption for Retail Entrepreneurs in Thailand

Lilawadi Phatanarajata 1, Sukree Sinthupinyo 2, Achara Chandrachai 2, and Thira Chavarnakul 2
1. Technopreneurship and Innovation Management Program, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
2. Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Commence and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Abstract—The problem of inventory management is considered to be a major factor which causes SMEs entrepreneurs to struggle with their business operations. Inventory pooling concept is considered to be an essential principle that can support the management of these businesses. The study of factors influencing entrepreneur adoption of an innovative inventory pooling system (IIPS) in Thailand has not been conducted yet by scholars. The purpose of this study is to fill this void. Through the investigation of the samples of 385 SMEs entrepreneurs and data analysis run by SPSS 18, we found that inventory management in term of time management and data system have a positive relationship with entrepreneur adoption, also collaboration and cooperation in term of trust, security and privacy have a position impact on entrepreneur adoption. Furthermore, research found that 45.7% of samples were interested in IIPS adoption, followed by 27.3% of entrepreneurs who were very interested in adoption and no sample was not interested in IIPS adoption.

Index Terms—inventory pooling, inventory management, collaboration, adoption

Cite: Lilawadi Phatanarajata, Sukree Sinthupinyo, Achara Chandrachai, and Thira Chavarnakul , "Factors Influencing Innovative Inventory Pooling System (IIPS) Adoption for Retail Entrepreneurs in Thailand," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 457-461, November 2016. doi: 10.18178/joams.4.6.457-461
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