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A Case for Socialized Innovation

Geetika Tandon
Director of Technology, SRA International, Fairfax, VA, USA

Abstract—Collaborative research and innovation may sound outside the realm of possibility in the real world. However, a number of organizations both public and private have willingly embraced it, increasing their innovative potential in the process. The objective of this article is not to define a roadmap for collaborative innovation. In fact, there really is no single innovation strategy that works for any organization. We also need to recognize that collaborative innovation is a possibility in limited areas such as information technology while specialized fields such as pure sciences and medicine still require the rigors, discipline and apparatus provided in a laboratory setup of more traditional research. Our attempt here is to provide a window into the world of socialized innovation through examples and insights where large and small organizations have hugely benefited from employee input. Our work here looks at how invention has changed to innovation and how organizations can harness them into their growth strategy.

Index Terms—innovation, organizational strategy, social, collaborative, invention

Cite: Geetika Tandon, "A Case for Socialized Innovation" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 18-23, January 2017. doi: 10.18178/joams.5.1.18-23
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