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Factors Influencing Implementation of Open Innovation Concept in Malaysian Industries

Houssam S. Ismail, Rosnah M. Yussuf, and Norzima B. Zulkifli
Department of mechanical and manufacturing engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia

Abstract—Malaysia needs to transform to an innovation-led economy. It needs to develop new policies focused on value creation and new concepts of innovation. A quantitative study conducted in Selangor, where 43.2% of the total firms are located. A questionnaire was used in data-gathering to investigate the relationship between the proposed factors and open innovation dimensions. The total number of respondents was 281. The study revealed that there are nine factors preventing the adoption of an open innovation and can be grouped under three areas, namely, IP management in Malaysian universities, Malaysian governmental policy and laws, and IP management in Malaysian industries. The finding had long term implication for policy-makers interested in the Malaysian innovation system. This study has identified the real obstacles preventing the industry sector from implementing open innovation.

Index Terms—open innovation, intellectual property, Malaysian industries and commercialization

Cite: Houssam S. Ismail, Rosnah M. Yussuf, and Norzima B. Zulkifli, "Factors Influencing Implementation of Open Innovation Concept in Malaysian Industries," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 35-39, January 2017. doi: 10.18178/joams.5.1.35-39
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