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Marketing in Rural India: Opportunities and Challenges

Surendra Pratap Singh
National P. G. College, 2-Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow, U.P. India

Abstract—The concept of rural marketing in India Economy has always played a significant role in the lives of people. This concept is larger than the concept of agro marketing. It includes the inflow and outflow of goods from urban sectors to the rural regions of the country as well as the marketing of various products manufactured by the non-agricultural workers from rural to urban areas. The rural market population in India accounts for around 700 million, which is approximately 70 percent of the total population. There are several difficulties encountered in exploring rural markets. The concept of rural markets in India is still in evolving shape, and the sector imposes a variety of challenges, including understanding the dynamics of the rural markets and varied strategies to attract and retain the rural consumers. This paper is an attempt to highlight and underline major opportunities and challenges in Rural India with respect to marketing of major business products.

Index Terms—rural marketing, agro marketing, rural markets, Indian economy

Cite: Surendra Pratap Singh, "Marketing in Rural India: Opportunities and Challenges" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 53-56, January 2017. doi: 10.18178/joams.5.1.53-56
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