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Self Actualization, Self Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence of Undergraduate Students

Güven Ordun and F. Aslı Akün
Organizational Behavior Department, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract—The purpose of the study is to investigate issues related with the identities, specifically self-related aspects such as self-actualization and self-efficacy and understand the emotional intelligence levels of undergraduate students in Turkey and analyze the relations of these aspects. The sample consists of 278 undergraduate students from Istanbul University Business Administration Faculty. Results reveal that emotional intelligence has significant and positive effect on self-actualization and self-efficacy. Self-actualization has also significant and positive effect on self-efficacy. Results are discussed.

Index Terms—identity, self-actualization, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence

Cite: Güven Ordun and F. Aslı Akün, "Self Actualization, Self Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence of Undergraduate Students" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 170-175, May 2017. doi: 10.18178/joams.5.3.170-175
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