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Mechanism of Enterprise Green Innovation Process under Institutional Void and Fragility: A Multi-case Study

Litian Chen, Qing Zhang, Jiasheng Sun, and Yan Yang
School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China

Abstract—Under the transition context characterized by institutional void and fragility, how manufacturing enterprises achieve green innovation ? In order to fill this research gap, this paper carry out longitude and horizontal comparative case study and found that: “stimulation--response mechanism” can stimulate manufacturing enterprises to achieve green innovation effectively in a institutional void and fragility situation. First, the stimulus mechanism: Compared with the single institutional pressure, complementary and interactive institutional pressure is able to overcome the fragility of the institutional itself. Response mechanism: compared to single logic based enterprises, enterprises based on commercial and social welfare mixed logic are more likely to cultivate strategic flexibility and environmental ethics, in response to multiple institutional pressures to adopt a compliant legitimacy strategy to achieve green innovation. This study reveals the "stimulus-response" mechanism underlying enterprise green innovation, and contributes to institutional theory and dynamic capability theory.

Index Terms—green innovation, institutional pressure, stimulation, response, institutional void, institutional fragility

Cite: Litian Chen, Qing Zhang, Jiasheng Sun, and Yan Yang, "Mechanism of Enterprise Green Innovation Process under Institutional Void and Fragility: A Multi-case Study" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 306-312, July 2017. doi: 10.18178/joams.5.4.306-312
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