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DENGYIs Disruptive Management thought Process Codification Overdue?

Ash Malhotra
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology 42 Upper Queen St, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1010

Abstract—Many have started to realise the difference between change and intense change, also known as disruptive change. Management thoughts address change process but not the intense change concept. There is confusion in understanding the two concepts. This has resulted in systemic failures in managing resources at Global level. This paper investigated the environment of intense change to study whether there is a need for developing a diagnostic tool to help managers deal with it. The secondary research, empirical evidence and online survey indicates that there is a need for disruptive management thought. More research, discussions, collaborative and supportive environment is needed to confirm the first step before going to the next. The preliminary findings confirms the aim, but more investigation is necessary to reinforce the confirmation of the finding of this paper.

Index Terms—Disruptive; Management; Change Management; Codification; Knowledge; Global; failures; process; reinvent; rationality; ESPN; Amazon, Google; NYT; collaborations.

Cite: Ash Malhotra, "DENGYIs Disruptive Management thought Process Codification Overdue?" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 58-62, March 2018. doi: 10.18178/joams.6.1.58-62
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