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Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain for Perishable Product (A Systematic Literature Review)

Nia Novitasari and Dida Diah Damayanti
Department of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract—Bullwhip effect is the most feared phenomenon by the majority of companies because it leads to high operating costs. Bullwhip will also grow along with the increase in network tier or echelon of a distribution system. Bullwhip will become more severe when distributed products are fragile food products and have uncertain lead times and demand. In the systematic literature of this review, we will review the previous research on how to minimize the occurrence of the bullwhip effect. We also compared the differences and similarity models between common bullwhip mitigating models with bullwhip mitigating models for perishable products that have short life cycles. In further research, we will create optimal model to mitigate bullwhip, integrate the use of SCOR Framework to assess supply chain performance in food companies to minimize bullwhip effect. By using SCOR framework, we will be able to know the supply chain structure that is priority to be improved so that bullwhip on perishable product will decrease.

Index Terms—bullwhip effect, cause bullwhip effect, variable of bullwhip effect, perishable product, systematic literature- review (SLR).

Cite: Nia Novitasari and Dida Diah Damayanti, "Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain for Perishable Product (A Systematic Literature Review)" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 90-96, June 2018. doi: 10.18178/joams.6.2.90-96
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