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Build A ComPetitive Advantage Model for Non E-CataLog Products in Indonesia (A Study from Emergency Medical Kit)

Tezza Adriansyah Anwar 1, Mohd. Haizam Mohd. Saudi 2, and Obsatar Sinaga 2
1. Widyatama University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
2. International University Malaya-Wales (IUMW), Malaysia / Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

Abstract—This research begins with the phenomenon of decreasing the sale of Emergency Medical Kit (EMK) products from 2008 to 2013 while the need for this equipment is always increasing in line with frequent disasters, increasing number of hospitals and many more. EMK customers in Indonesia are predominantly governmental agencies or other government-related agencies, where the procurement process of goods and services using E-Purchasing or if not included in the E-Catalog then it will be auction to be transparent and accountable. EMK products have not been included in the E-Catalog. Another constraint is that all equipment in the EMK product must be made using a single brand. Therefore, it takes a competitive advantage model that can increase sales so that opportunities can be utilized properly. Based on this, this study aims to build a model of competitive advantage, especially in the field of EMK and products not included in E-Purchasing. This model is built on the competitive advantage influenced by customer relationship management and business competence through the company's reputation. And how the impact on sales. Meanwhile, the research method used is descriptive-verificative with PLS-SEM as its statistical method. This research was conducted on customer of EMK product that is government institution that made purchasing EMK product. The results show that customer relationship management that has been built is closely related to the reputation of EMK companies in Indonesia. And the competitive advantage of EMK products is related to business competence and customer relationship management. In contrast to the company's reputation that has no impact on competitive advantage. In addition, EMK product sales are closely related to competitive advantage. Furthermore, customer relation management, corporate reputation and business competence have no bearing on EMK product sales. The resulting model can be used as a reference to increase the competitive advantage of products that have not been registered in the E-Catalog.1

Index Terms—competitive advantage model; emergency medical kit; customer relationship management; company's reputation; business competencies; competitive advantage; sales.

Cite: Tezza Adriansyah Anwar, Mohd. Haizam Mohd. Saudi, and Obsatar Sinaga, "Build A ComPetitive Advantage Model for Non E-CataLog Products in Indonesia (A Study from Emergency Medical Kit)" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 132-138, September 2018. doi: 10.18178/joams.6.3.132-138
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