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JOAMS 2022 Vol.10(3): 69-76
doi: 10.18178/joams.10.3.69-76

Personnel Scheduling for Logistics Warehouses Based on the Theory of Constraints

Naoya Nishio, Masaharu Kondo, and Ryota Kamoshida
Center for Technology Innovation-Artificial Intelligence, Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan

Abstract—We propose an efficient personnel scheduling method for logistics warehouse operation. In conventional methods, applying genetic algorithms or integer programming causes combinatorial explosions when conducting multiple processes concurrently and reallocating laborers to processes during processing. To address this problem, we introduce the idea of “effective productivity” to the theory of constraints (TOC) and propose four types of scheduling procedures to decide which process is given priority by considering productivity and operation completion time. We evaluate the proposed method by comparing with a method that imitate line managers. The results show that the operation completion time of schedules created by the proposed method are shorter than the imitated manual method. Moreover, our method’s scheduling is proved to be faster than the imitated manual method, therefore, the proposed method is considered to be more suitable for use in real environments.

Index Terms—personnel scheduling, logistics warehouse, TOC

Cite: Naoya Nishio, Masaharu Kondo, and Ryota Kamoshida, "Personnel Scheduling for Logistics Warehouses Based on the Theory of Constraints," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 69-76, September 2022. doi: 10.18178/joams.10.3.69-76

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