Métissage and Multiculturalism, the New Dimensions of Globalization
Viorica Banciu, Claudia Leah, and Angela Jireghie
University Of Oradea
Abstract—The new society we live in nowadays is being characterized by the increasing process of globalization, which involves an entire system of interactions at the global level, determining a higher interdependence at different levels: economical, political, cultural, social, technological, ecological, etc. The process of globalization is conceived to diminish geographical distances through technology, language and cultural differences. Considering these ideas, this work aims at highlighting the dimensions of multiculturalism from the globalization perspective, also focusing on the idea of language métissage, multilingualism and plurilingualism. In order to converse across borders and speak to and with different communities, the ability to speak and write in other languages using a large range of styles and forms is of utmost necessity.
Index Terms—cultural differences developing process, globalization multiculturalism, multilingualism, plurilingualism.
Cite: Viorica Banciu, Claudia Leah, and Angela Jireghie, "Métissage and Multiculturalism, the New Dimensions of Globalization," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 184-189, June 2013. doi: 10.12720/joams.1.2.184-189
Index Terms—cultural differences developing process, globalization multiculturalism, multilingualism, plurilingualism.
Cite: Viorica Banciu, Claudia Leah, and Angela Jireghie, "Métissage and Multiculturalism, the New Dimensions of Globalization," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 184-189, June 2013. doi: 10.12720/joams.1.2.184-189
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