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The Co-evolution of Organizational Culture Transformation and Ambidextrous Capability: A Strategic Orientation Perspective

Renzhi Yu, Jiefang He, and Zhiying Liu
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

Abstract—Organizational culture has an important role in enterprises’ technology innovation, at the same time it also has evolved in different stages. However, research on what kind of organizational culture will be more conducive to technological innovation is now inconsistent. On the basis of previous studies, we construct the interactive evolution framework between organizational culture transformation and technological innovation ability. We find that there exists coupling relationship between the organizational culture and the mode of technological innovation, different organizational culture is applied to different innovation mode. Furthermore, from the dynamic point of view, in different periods there also exists the feature of synchrony evolving between the organizational culture and technological innovation mode under the strategic orientation. During this interactive circulating process, enterprises gain growth and competitive advantage.

Index Terms—organizational culture, exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, ambidextrous capability, co-evolution

Cite: Renzhi Yu, Jiefang He, and Zhiying Liu, "The Co-evolution of Organizational Culture Transformation and Ambidextrous Capability: A Strategic Orientation Perspective," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 102-105, June 2014. doi: 10.12720/joams.2.2.102-105
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