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Synthesis Components and Electronic Information Data Interchange Model for Knowledge Management in Educational Administration

Adirek Yaowong and Pallop Piriyasurawong
Division of Information and Communication Technology for Education, Faculty of Technical Education, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 1518 Piboonsongkram Rd.Bangsue Bangkok 10800, Thailand

Abstract—This research has objective to synthesis components and model development for electronic information interchanges for knowledge in Educational Administration between Higher Education Institutions. The research method were to study and related research and Development Electronic Information Data Interchange Model for Knowledge Management in Educational Administration between Higher Education Institutions and to evaluate model by experts. The research result as follow: 1) Educational Administration 2) Knowledge Service Management 3) Electronics Information Data Interchange Standardization 4) Electronics Information Data of Educational Administration 5) Electronic Data Interchange System. The results has been evaluated by 7 experts that reasonable is high level.

Index Terms—synthesis components, electronic information data model, educational administration

Cite: Adirek Yaowong and Pallop Piriyasurawong, "Knowledge ," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 145-148, June 2014. doi: 10.12720/joams.2.2.145-148
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