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Outsourcing Type of Network Organizations: Key Determinants for Innovation and Insider Information

Alev Özer
Bogazici University, Department of Management, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract—This paper focuses mainly on the inter-organizational type of network relations. Three models based on this aspect of network organizations are proposed, with the aspects of insider information concerns and the innovation behavior. It is suggested that, as a type of networking organization, outsourcing companies engage in innovation behavior from a different perspective, in that they are assumed to share the innovation with their contractors. On the other hand, as for all organizations, insider information builds up an important concern for outsourcing companies, as their business consists intense relations with third parties.

Index Terms—network organizations, outsourcing, innovation, insider information

Cite: Alev Özer, "Outsourcing Type of Network Organizations: Key Determinants for Innovation and Insider Information," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 211-215, September 2014. doi: 10.12720/joams.2.3.211-215
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