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Decent Work in the Context of Corporate Social Responsibility

Menekşe Şahin 1 and Gökben Bayramoğlu 2
1. Vocational High School, Hittites University, Çorum, Turkey
2. Business and Economics Faculty, Hittites University, Çorum, Turkey

Abstract—Corporate Social Responsibility is the responsibility to support economic, environmental, cultural and social development for a sustainable world with all people from local to global community working together to improve the quality of life. It constitutes, in this respect, a strong argument in dissemination of decent work suitable for the mission of promoting job opportunities with minimum labor standards in the concept of ILO’s decent work. Decent work focuses on four main strategic goals: I) rights at work, II) employment, III) social protection and IV) social dialogue. The essence of decent work approach is to establish a balance between these different components, to create integrity and political and institutional options in order to overcome confrontational relationships and constraints. Decent work takes into account equal voice recognition of workers, employers and governments as parties while developing policies and programs for labor standards as part of the dialectic strategists in its own inner loop. As it was included in the agenda of United Nations (UN) as well as International Labour Organization (ILO), decent work can be operational at work through sharing the same approach with the same accuracy. In this study, it was discussed, in relation to corporate social responsibility, decent work concept which was included in the United Nations' millennium development goals as one of the important strategies in the fight against global poverty and sustainable development on the agenda of the ILO in 1999, and it has been proposed as "a visionary model" for sustainable growth for businesses

Index Terms—corporate social responsibility, decent work, sustainable growth

Cite: Menekşe Şahin and Gökben Bayramoğlu, "Decent Work in the Context of Corporate Social Responsibility," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 162-167, June 2015. doi: 10.12720/joams.3.2.162-167
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