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  • DOI: 10.18178/joams
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Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant

North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, India
I am very excited to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS) and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience.. ...  [Read More]

The Relationship between Demographic towards the Achievement of a Successful Muslim Entrepreneur in Malaysia

Yazilmiwati Yaacob 1 and Ilhaamie Abd Ghani Azmi 2
1. MOHE-General Studies Department, Sunway University, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
2. Syariah and Management, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya

Abstract—Previous studies have shown that demographics factors are among the factors that influence the success of an entrepreneur. Therefore, this research aims to examine the relationship between demographic variable that comprises of ages, the length of running a business and business capital towards the achievement of a successful Muslim entrepreneur in Malaysia. Pearson Correlation test is used to identify the relationship between ages, the length of running a business and business capital, whereas ANOVA Test and T Test is used to used to determine the relationship differences between ages, the length of running a business and business capital towards the achievement of a successful Muslim entrepreneur in Malaysia. This research verified that there is a significant relationship between ages, the length of running a business and business capital towards the achievement of a successful Muslim entrepreneur in Malaysia. However, only age and business capital has a significant effect with the achievement of successful entrepreneur in Malaysia. Therefore, the results of this study demonstrate that demographic factors influence the achievement of successful Muslim entrepreneur in Malaysia.

Index Terms—relationship, capital, achievement, successful, Muslim, entrepreneur

Cite: Yazilmiwati Yaacob and Ilhaamie Abd Ghani Azmi, "The Relationship between Demographic towards the Achievement of a Successful Muslim Entrepreneur in Malaysia," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 35-40, January 2016. doi: 10.12720/joams.4.1.35-40
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