The Comparison of the Content Analysis on the Missions of the Successful Textile and Apparel Companies from the Globe and Turkey
M. Şebnem Ensari 1 and Evrim Kabukçu 2
1. Okan University, İstanbul, Turkey
2. Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
2. Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
Abstract—A mission of an organization indicates the company’s purpose of existence. There are narrow or broad definitions of mission in scope. “A narrow mission very clearly states the organizations primary business and will limit the scope of the company’s activities in terms of the product or service offered, the technology used, and probably the market served” [1]. This study aims to examine the mission statements of the first 20 Textile and Apparel Companies from the list of the Global Fortune and Turkey Fortune Lists. In order to realize this purpose, a content analysis was conducted for mission statements of the companies by using nine items. The main purpose is to investigate the differences in explanation of the reason of their existence between the globally and locally successful companies. This research thought to be helpful to the local companies, which wants to be successful, while they are preparing their mission statements during globalization process.
Index Terms—mission, content analysis, Turkey, textile and apparel sector
Cite: M. Şebnem Ensari and Evrim Kabukçu, "The Comparison of the Content Analysis on the Missions of the Successful Textile and Apparel Companies from the Globe and Turkey" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 291-296, July 2017. doi: 10.18178/joams.5.4.291-296
Index Terms—mission, content analysis, Turkey, textile and apparel sector
Cite: M. Şebnem Ensari and Evrim Kabukçu, "The Comparison of the Content Analysis on the Missions of the Successful Textile and Apparel Companies from the Globe and Turkey" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 291-296, July 2017. doi: 10.18178/joams.5.4.291-296