• Abbreviated Title: J. Adv. Manag. Sci.
  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant
  • Associate Executive Editor: Ms. Alice Loh
  • E-ISSN: 2810-9740  
  • DOI: 10.18178/joams
  • Abstracting/Indexing: CNKI, Google Scholar, Crossref
  • Article Processing Charge (APC): 500 USD
  • E-mail Questions or Comments to JOAMS Editorial Office.

Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant

North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, India
I am very excited to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS) and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience.. ...  [Read More]

Utilization of Project Management and Soft Skills in Business Informatics Projects

Muhammad Hassan Bin Afzal and L. Daniel Cravens
Bengal Solutions, College of Business Idaho State University, 921 South 8th Avenue – Stop 8020, Pocatello

Abstract—In case of Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) related projects, the importance of proper utilization of project management skills is highly important. There are ample amount of exploratory investigative research analyses that specifically focused on the specific set of skills, experiences and academic knowledge is highly required for IT project managers. The main concern arises how to build certain skill sets and knowledge base among the managers so that they can handle, operate and complete an IT project successfully. Effective communication skills with both the clients as well as the team members are the highly desired attribute of a successful IT project manager. This paper explores further the role of project management skills to manage big scale business informatics project. This study also highlights the significant importance of big data management, utilizing project management concepts and best practices.

Index Terms—Project Management in ICT projects, Big Data Management, Handling Business Informatics projects, ICT Project maintenance, soft skills.

Cite: Muhammad Hassan Bin Afzal and L. Daniel Cravens, "Utilization of Project Management and Soft Skills in Business Informatics Projects" Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 109-112, June 2018. doi: 10.18178/joams.6.2.109-112
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