• Abbreviated Title: J. Adv. Manag. Sci.
  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant
  • Associate Executive Editor: Ms. Alice Loh
  • E-ISSN: 2810-9740  
  • DOI: 10.18178/joams
  • Abstracting/Indexing: CNKI, Google Scholar, Crossref
  • Article Processing Charge (APC): 500 USD
  • E-mail Questions or Comments to JOAMS Editorial Office.

Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant

North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, India
I am very excited to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS) and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience.. ...  [Read More]

A Study of Consumer Intention of Mobile Payment in Hong Kong, Based on Perceived Risk, Perceived Trust, Perceived Security and Technological Acceptance Model

Wai Han Wong 1 and Wing Ying Mo 2
1. The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
2. Division of Commerce, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Abstract—This research paper is understanding the situations of mobile payment service in Hong Kong; and study whether consumer intention is affected by Perceived Risk, Perceived Trust, Perceived Security and Technology Acceptance Model. Qualitative and quantitative research are the main methodology in this research. Data of survey were collected in school and online system from 121 participants. The results indicated that all variables affected the consumer intention by using SPSS. The results show an effective way to improve the security system of mobile payment, which encourages the consumer intention to use mobile payment. The Government and enterprise are needed to provide some activities in order to encourage consumers to use mobile payment services. This is an empirical study to understand the mobile payment situation in Hong Kong and it looks into the factors that influence consumers' intention to use the mobile payment system. There is a clear requirement for further research with perceived enjoyment and attitude.
Index Terms—mobile payment, perceived risk, perceived trust, perceived security, technological acceptance model

Cite: Wai Han Wong, Wing Ying Mo, "A Study of Consumer Intention of Mobile Payment in Hong Kong, Based on Perceived Risk, Perceived Trust, Perceived Security and Technological Acceptance Model," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 33-38 June 2019. doi: 10.18178/joams.7.2.33-38

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