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Robust Design of Mixing Continuous-Continuous and Continuous-Digital Type Dynamic Systems

Ful-Chiang Wu
Department of Hotel Management, Vanung University, Chung-Li 32061, Taiwan

Abstract—The objective of robust design is to minimize the total quality loss in products or processes. This paper resolves the relationship between the quality loss function and the SN ratio. According to definitions of the quality loss function and SN ratio, the average SN ratio for a factor level can be transformed into a PQL value. The PQL model proposed by this study simultaneously optimizes the continuous-continuous and continuous-digital dynamic systems by minimizing the total quality loss. Using the proposed method and steps for optimization, the method addresses such problem to improve the product quality.

Index Terms—robust design, continuous-continuous and continuous-digital dynamic systems, quality loss function, SN ratio, PQL

Cite: Ful-Chiang Wu, "Robust Design of Mixing Continuous-Continuous and Continuous-Digital Type Dynamic Systems," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 381-384, September 2016. doi: 10.12720/joams.4.5.381-384
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