• Abbreviated Title: J. Adv. Manag. Sci.
  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant
  • Associate Executive Editor: Ms. Alice Loh
  • E-ISSN: 2810-9740  
  • DOI: 10.18178/joams
  • Abstracting/Indexing: CNKI, Google Scholar, Crossref
  • Article Processing Charge (APC): 500 USD
  • E-mail Questions or Comments to JOAMS Editorial Office.

Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant

North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, India
I am very excited to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS) and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience.. ...  [Read More]

The Importance of Readiness for Change, a Leadership Perspective Based on a Case Study in Macau, SAR China

João Alexandre Lobo Marques, Joana M. Reis, Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips, and Ansoumane Douty Diakite
School of Business and Law, University of Saint Joseph, Macau, SAR China

Abstract— Organizational environments are constantly facing changes in different magnitudes, especially in recent times with various internal and external forces pushing changes stronger than before, many related to digital economy, information systems and the adoption of new technologies. The concept of readiness for change comes from the analysis of a maturity level framework evaluation that can be analyzed from the personal level to the team level. Although leaders understand the need of getting ready for the changes and the need to design strategies which demands significant effort for the success of the whole movement around the change, there is still a significant level of failure, dissatisfaction and frustration in companies. This may lead to lack of motivation caused by several different aspects such as bad communication, and poor leadership. But what is the perception of team leaders on the importance of readiness for change? This paper presents the partial results of a wider research about readiness for change in the Hotel and Hospitality Industry, focused on the experiences of two team leaders from Macau, SAR China, one of the largest tourisms and entertainment spots in the world. In-depth interviews were conducted while the teams were facing significant changes in the company structure and the results are focused on two dimensions: Discrepancy and Efficacy. The preliminary analysis indicate that leaders are aware of their role and the need of implementing innovative strategies, but struggle with budget and team limitations.

Index Terms— Change management; readiness for change; leadership

Cite: João Alexandre Lobo Marques, Joana M. Reis, Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips, and Ansoumane Douty Diakite, "The Importance of Readiness for Change, a Leadership Perspective Based on a Case Study in Macau, SAR China," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 116-120, December 2020. doi: 10.18178/joams.8.4.116-120

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