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Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant

North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, India
I am very excited to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS) and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience.. ...  [Read More]

JOAMS 2022 Vol.10(2): 58-64
doi: 10.18178/joams.10.2.58-64

A Comparative Analysis of Green Supply Chains Among Countries in the Middle East, Latin America, and Europe

Alexander Wollenberg 1, José Guadalupe Octavio Cabrera Lazarini 2, Juan José Cabrera Lazarini 2, Luis Fernando Orta Parra 2, and Ameya Sathya Kakade 3
1. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2. Department of International Business, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, México
3. The International School Bangalore, Bangalore, India

Abstract—We used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to compare the development of Sustainable (Green) Supply in three regions of the world, the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in the Middle East, six countries in Europe, and six countries in Latin America, which were selected based on the rank of their Logistics Performance Index. The focal region were the six member countries of the GCC against which countries in the other two regions were compared over a 10-year period. We based our empirical analysis on UN SDGs concerned with affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), and climate action (SDG 13). Using a modified model of RAM-DEA, Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia in particular showed high levels of inefficiency, which were marked by high oil consumption, low investment in good inputs (e.g. R&D, academic basic and applied research), and low outputs, specifically in terms of clean (e.g. solar) energy. It could be said that countries in Western Europe still led in terms of inputs versus outputs. However, certain countries in other regions are also strong contenders in sustainable supply chains. These include the UAE, Oman, México, Panamá, and Ecuador.

Index Terms—DEA, GCC, Latin America, sustainable development goals, efficiency, supply chains, sustainability, renewable energy, corporate social responsibility, logistics performance index

Cite: Alexander Wollenberg, José Guadalupe Octavio Cabrera Lazarini, Juan José Cabrera Lazarini, Luis Fernando Orta Parra, and Ameya Sathya Kakade, "A Comparative Analysis of Green Supply Chains Among Countries in the Middle East, Latin America, and Europe," Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 58-64, June 2022. doi: 10.18178/joams.10.2.58-64

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