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Proposal of a Methodology to Integrate the Human Factor in the Service Blueprint

Silvio Barbieri 1, Emmanuel Fragniere 2, Marshall S. Sitten 3, and Gabriel Zambrano 4
1. HEG – Geneva School of Business, Campus de Battelle, Bâtiment F, 7 route de Drize 1227 Carouge - Suisse
2. HEG – Geneva School of Business and the University of Bath, Campus de Battelle, Bâtiment F, 7 route de Drize 1227 Carouge – Suisse
3. Flashing12, 630 Union Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215
4. Service Lab, the design of service consulting firm, Rue des Noirettes 15 B, 1227 Carouge – Suisse

Abstract—In the field of service design, modeling is often used to visually represent the structures, flow, and operations of a service. This modeling, usually referred to as a “workflow” or “service blueprint”, is usually conceptualized in a linear or matrix form. These models, while useful for visualizing the structures and processes involved in service production, fail to consider the contribution of human factors – motivation, emotion, satisfaction, etc. – that are also essential elements of service interactions. It is therefore necessary to focus on the satisfaction and behavior of customers and employees. The ultimate goal is to try to eliminate the obstacles and conflicts of human order to generate an improvement of the whole service. We propose the development of an “enhanced” service blueprint which includes human factors dimensions, and attempt to compare its use to that of a traditional blueprint.

Index Terms—customer journey map, human factors, service blueprint, service design

Cite: Silvio Barbieri, Emmanuel Fragniere, Marshall S. Sitten, and Gabriel Zambrano, "Proposal of a Methodology to Integrate the Human Factor in the Service Blueprint," Journal of Advanced  Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 207-213, June 2013. doi: 10.12720/joams.1.2.207-213
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